There's nothing like a beautiful, warm, sunny, April day to unleash my submissive side. I want a spring fling! From the very ends of my fingers to the tips of my toes I long to gaze stupidly into the gorgeous eyes of a dominant woman who thinks I'm cute and follow her everywhere, doing her bidding. This April day finds me still married, still living at home, and still enmeshed in the puzzle of how to sort out my life. So what am I to do with all this seasonal ardor?
No single domme in her right mind would get too close to me. I'm unavailable to be a boyfriend and worse yet, I'm in transition. It's completely unfair to invite a woman on a train trip which could end in a massive, tumultuous wreck. But does that stop me from fantasizing? No way, dude. I'm a guy and it's spring! So other than spring, what brings this on?
One of my favorite flirt friends of all time is leaving New York this weekend for good. That is if she can stand life west of the Hudson River. She of the Mah Wah Kiss is leaving me. She's the one that when I confessed my proclivities said, "You mean whips and chains?". While that really took some of the wind out of my kink-dreamer sails, more than anything she was a symbol. She's the woman who thinks I'm smart, sexy, and desireable. We are not entangled in each other's lives in any major way, but knowing her over these past years has really helped me own myself and my kink as pleasing and attractive. I will miss her alot.
So who am I going to meet for coffee, lunch, and dinner and flirt madly with?
Another woman friend may have the answer for me. She has also been one of my "crush girls". She's married now and very happy. She's also kinky. What particular brand, I'm not sure, but one Halloween when she was single she told me her costume was a nun's outfit over a corset, stockings, and stilletos. I mean, that's a whole sub-genre of role play on its own!! She tried to get her then boyfriend to wear a priest's collar and a raincoat with a diaper underneath. He was having none of it. I offered to reprise the role the following year. She just laughed. Suffice it to say she's knowledgeable and way kink friendly if not flat out dommy.
Anyway, this woman and I occasionally work together and I just came out and asked if she had any kinky women friends who might like to have dinner with me and flirt. She said she could probably hook me up!! Despite the seasonal juices flowing, I still think flirt friends are more important to me right now than hard core play or sessioning. One day I'm sure The Hunger, as my friend HMP defines the need to play, will return. But for now, a new flirt friend would be just the thing.
Who knows, maybe I'll see her on Mercer Street, getting on a motor bike, looking rather ladylike...
Prostate - Milking vs Orgasm
7 years ago